Prof. Steven Ongena
University of Zurich, Switzerland & KU Leuven, Blegium
Steven Ongena is a professor of banking in the Department of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich, a senior chair at the Swiss Finance Institute, a research professor at KU Leuven, and a research fellow in financial economics of CEPR. He is also a research professor at the Deutsche Bundesbank. Before moving to Zurich, he taught at CentER-Tilburg University and BI Norwegian Business School and studied at the Universities of Oregon (PhD), Alberta (MA) and KU Leuven (MBA, Hir).
He has published in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Management Science, Review of Finance, and Review of Financial Studies, among other journals. He co-authored, with Hans Degryse and Moshe Kim, the graduate textbook Microeconometrics of Banking: Methods, Applications and Results published by Oxford University Press.
He is currently a co-editor of Economic Inquiry and of the International Review of Finance, and an associate editor of the Journal of Financial Services Research, Economic Notes, the Asian Review of Financial Research, the Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, and the Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences. In the past he has served as a co-editor for the Review of Finance and as an associate editor for the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Intermediation, the European Economic Review and the Journal of Banking and Finance, among other journals.