Journal of Risk Finance

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers to a special issue of the Journal of Risk Finance.
Ground FloorParallel Sessions (A)
A1. Financial Markets (Room 2)
Chairs: Slaheddine Hellara, University of Tunis, Tunisia
& Younes Ben Zaied, EDC Paris Business School, France
A2. Economic Growth (Room 3)
Chairs: Younes Boujelbène, University Of Sfax, Tunisia
& Abdelfatteh Bouri, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Ground FloorConference Opening
Room 1Prof. Messaoud Chibane, Keynote Speaker 1
Room 1“Enhancing Robust Portfolios in the Presence of Higher Moments”
Chair: Prof. Fouad Ben Abdelaziz (NEOMA Business School, France)
Special Session 1: Decision Sciences
Room 1“Modeling Corporate Securities: Design, Resolution, and Estimation”
Prof. Hatem Ben Ameur (HEC Montreal, Canada)
Special Session 1: Decision Sciences
Room 1“From Decision to Optimization”
Prof. Fouad Ben Abdelaziz (NEOMA Business School, France)
Coffee Break
Ground FloorSpecial Session 2: Financial Markets
Room 1“Macroeconomic News Announcements, US Senior Official Speeches, And Emerging Currency Markets During The Post-Global Financial Crisis”
Mohamed A. Ayadi (Brock University, Canada), Walid Ben Omrane (Brock University, Canada), Deepan Kumar Das (Brock University, Canada), Deepan Kumar Das (Brock University, Canada), Skander Lazrak (Brock University, Canada)
Special Session 2: Financial Markets
Online“Pricing European Currency Options Considering the Dynamic Information Costs”
Wael Dammak (Sfax University, Tunisia), Salah Ben Hamad (Sfax University, Tunisia), Christian de Peretti (University of Lyon, France), Hichem Eleuch (University of Sharjah, UAE)
Lunch Break
RestaurantTable Ronde 1: Finance Verte
Room 1Prof. Eric Lamarque
IAE Paris – Sorbonne, France
“Les Critères d’Impact de la Finance Verte sur les Décisions Financières : Cas du
Secteur Bancaire”
Prof. Dhafer Saidane
SKEMA Business School, France
“La Double Transition Numérique et Ecologique en Afrique: Une Evolution Incontournable”
Coffee Break
Ground FloorTable Ronde 2: Les nouvelles perspectives en Finance
Room 1Prof. Abdelfateh Bouri
University of Sfax, Tunisia
Prof. Kamel Naoui
University of Manouba, Tunisia
Welcome Gala Diner
Ground FloorProf. Thorsten Beck, Keynote Speaker 2
Room 1European University Institute, Italy
“Digitalisation in Finance: Opportunities and Risks”
Prof. Kate Phylaktis, Keynote Speaker 3
OnlineCity University of London, UK
“Financial Integration and Exchange Market Pressure”
Chair: Prof. Fouad Ben Abdelaziz (NEOMA Business School, France)
Coffee Break
Ground FloorParallel Sessions (B)
B1. Financial Markets and Energy Commodities (Room 1)
Chairs: Malek Saihi, University of Carthage, Tunisia
& Kamel Naoui, University of Manouba, Tunisia
B2. Corporate Governance I (Room 2)
Chairs: Hbib Affes, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Aymen Ajina, University of Sousse, Tunisia
B3. Economic Growth and Economic Policy (Room 3)
Chairs: Adel Karaa, University of Tunis, Tunisia
& Anis Bouabid, University of Sousse, Tunisia
B4. Corporate Finance (Room 4)
Chairs: Adelfatteh Bouri, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Salah Ben Hamad, University of Tunis El Mabar, Tunisia
Lunch Break
RestaurantSpecial Session 3: Finance and Environment
Room 1“Cryptocurrency Return Predictability: The Role of the Environment”
Amine Lahiani (LEO University of Orléans, France)
Special Session 3: Finance and Environment
Room 1“Exploring the Impact of Legal System On the Relationship Between CSR and Firm Stability”
Sana Ben Abdallah (University of Manouba, Tunisia), Amaury Goguel (SKEMA Business School, France), Dhafer Saidane (SKEMA Business School, France)
Parallel Sessions (C)
C1. Financial Markets and Behavioral Finance "Room 1"
Chairs: Saber Sebai, University of Manouba, Tunisia
& Adel Boubaker, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
C2. Corporate Governance II "Room 2"
Chairs: Hbib Affes, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Yosra Mnif, University of Sfax, Tunisia
C3. Financial Markets and Exchange Rate "Room 3"
Chairs: Younes Boujelbène, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Aida Kammoun, University of Sfax, Tunisia
C4. COVID-19 Pandemic and Cryptocurrencies "Room 4"
Chairs: Mouna Boujelbène, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Aymen Ben Rejeb, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Conference Closing
Room 1TSFS Best Paper Award
Conference Closing
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers to a special issue of the Journal of Risk Finance.
WEBSITEAuthors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers to a special issue of the Journal of Economic Asymmetries.
WEBSITEAuthors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers to a special issue of the International Journal of Financial Studies.
WEBSITEAuthors of selected papers will be invited to submit their papers to a special issue of the Sustainability.
WEBSITEA selection of papers presented at conferences will be considered for publication, after a blind-review, in the Journal of Economics and Development.
WEBSITEA selection of papers presented at conferences will be considered for publication, after a blind-review, in the Corporate Ownership and Control.
WEBSITEA selection of papers presented at conferences will be considered for publication, after a blind-review, in the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review.