Naoui Kamel
Manouba University, Tunisia
Kamel NAOUI, Director of the Business School of Tunis, Tunisia (Ecole Supérieure de CommercedeTunis), Full Professor of Finance. Member of the board of directors of the BNA BANK since 2018, chairman of the transactional recovery committee and member of the risk committee and of the nomination and remuneration committee as well as the strategic committee.
His academic research and publications focus in particular on financial markets, financial risk management and the behavioral approach of finance. He is co-founder of the Risk Management and Research in Accounting and Finance laboratory, RIM-RAF, and co-founder of the Tunisian association for research in Risk Management, ASTURIMA. In addition, he is a member of the sectoral commission for management sciences and president of the national jury for the recruitment of Technologists 2020. Also he presided the national jury for the recruitment of assistant professors for the period 2015-2017 after having served as member of the national jury for the recruitment of finance-accounting assistants between 2012 and 2014.