Corporate Ownership and Control

A selection of papers presented at conferences will be considered for publication, after a blind-review, in the Corporate Ownership and Control.
Ground FloorRegistration
Ground FloorConference Opening
Room 1Prof. Sabri Boubaker, Keynote Speaker 1
Room 1“On-site”
EM Normendie Business School, France
“Inalienable Human Capital and Debt Choice: Evidence from Quasi-Exogenous Shocks”
Prof. Wolf Wagner, Keynote Speaker 2
Room 1“Online”
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands
“Supranational Cooperation in Banking”
Chair: Walid Ben Omrane, Brock University, Canada
Coffee Break
Ground FloorParallel Sessions (A)
A1. Market Efficiency and Asset Pricing (Room1)
Chairs: Malek Saihi, University of Carthage, Tunisia
& Amine Lahiani, LEO University of Orléans, France
A2. Corporate Governance I (Room 2)
Chairs: Faten Lakhal, EMLV Business School, France
& Houssam Bouzgarrou, University of Sousse, Tunisia
A3. Financial Market and Event Study (Room 3)
Chairs: Adelfatteh Bouri, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Adel Karaa, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Lunch Break
RestaurantParallel Sessions (B)
B1. Risk Spillovers and Commodities (Room 1)
Chairs: Kamel Naoui, University of Manouba, Tunisia
& Sahbi Farhani, University of Sousse, Tunisia
B2. Banking (Room 2)
Chairs: Mohamed Imen Galleli, University of Manouba, Tunisia
& Saber Sebai, University of Manouba, Tunisia
B3. Economic Policy and Economic Growth (Room 3)
Chairs: Ridha.Nouira, University of Sousse, Tunisia
& Mounira Ben Arab, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Coffee Break
Ground Floor1st Worshop on Financial Econometrics
Room 4Software: EViews
Language: French
Montassar Zayati, University of Sousse
Ground FloorProf. Amine Lahyani, Keynote Speaker 3
Room 1“On-site”
LEO – University of Orléans, France
“Nonlinear Risk-Return Premia for Stocks and Bonds”
Prof. Tom Engted, Keynote Speaker 4
Room 1“Online”
Arhus University, Danemark
“Disappearing Money Illusion”
Chair: Fouad Ben Abdelaziz, NEOMA Business School, France
Coffee Break
Ground FloorParallel Sessions (C)
C1. Corporate Governance II (Room 1)
Chairs: Yosra Mnif, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Dorra Ellouz, University of Manouba, Tunisia
C2. Corporate Governance and Entrepreneurship (Room 2)
Chairs: Habib Affes, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Adel Boubaker, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
C3. Financial Crisis and VaR (Room 3)
Chairs: Faouzi Jilani, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
& Montassar Zayati, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Lunch Break
RestaurantParallel Sessions (D)
D1. Financial Market and Stochastic Models (Room 1)
Chairs: Adel Karaa, University of Tunis, Tunisia
& Mohamed Gabsi, University of Tunis, Tunisia
D2. Corporate Governance III (Room 2)
Chairs: Naila Boulila Taktak, University of Carthage, Tunisia
& Habib Affes, University of Sfax, Tunisia
D3. Financial Market (Room 3)
Chairs: Salah Ben Hamad, University of Sfax, Tunisia
& Aymen Ben Rejeb, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Coffee Break
Ground Floor2nd Worshop on Financial Econometrics
Room 4Software: EViews
Language: French
Montassar Zayati, University of Sousse
Conference Closing
Room 1TSFS Best Paper Award
Conference Closing
A selection of papers presented at conferences will be considered for publication, after a blind-review, in the Corporate Ownership and Control.
WEBSITEWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd (Special issue)
SJR H Index: 16, Q3
Business Perspectives (Regular issue)
SJR H Index: 18, Q3
Environmental Economics is indexed in:
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Australian Research Council (ERA), EconLit (American Economic Association), Google Scholar Profile, Ulrichsweb (current entry in Global Serials Directory), NSDs Database for statistikk om hogre utdanning, Asian Education Index.