Arman Eshraghi
Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom
Arman Eshraghi is Professor of Finance and Investment, Deputy Head of Section for Research, Impact and Innovation, Cardiff Business School, United Kingdom. His work is published in some of the leading journals of the field such as Review of Financial Studies, Review of Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, Accounting Organization & Society, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, and British Journal of Management, and cited in the media including the Financial Times, Washington Post, Harvard Business Review, Forbes and Bloomberg.
Professor Eshraghi is Editor-in-Chief of International Review of Economics and Finance, Senior Editor of Finance Research Letters and the Global Finance Journal, and currently co-editing a Special Issue for the European Journal of Finance. In addition, Professor Eshraghi is a Shimomura Fellow of the Development Bank of Japan, Erskine Fellow of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, visiting fellow at University College London, vice-chair of the British Accounting and Finance Association Professorial Committee, co-director of the Behavioural Finance Working Group and the Cardiff Fintech Research Group, and a former Advisory Panel Member
of Fintech Wales.